The Dove Block Project is a community arts center in historic downtown Geneva, inspired by the creativity and originality of the renowned Geneva artist Arthur Dove, devoted to fostering the arts in the Finger Lakes Region through exciting and innovative exhibitions, events, and programs, which are free and open to all members of the community.
Current and Upcoming
The Dove Block Project is closed in January for renovation.
Arthur Dove (1880-1946), son of the Dove Block’s builder, William Dove, was born in nearby Canandaigua, New York, in 1880, and moved to Geneva when he was two. Growing up in Geneva provided an experience which would fuel his love of nature and his art for the rest of his life.
While residing in the Dove Block, he painted nearly a hundred of what are now seen as his most critically-acclaimed works, including what is perhaps his most famous, “Red Sun”; an abstract vision of the sun rising over Geneva’s Lake Seneca, with the area’s surrounding fields in the foreground.
Often heralded as the first American artist to try his hand at abstraction, Dove is perhaps best known for his nature-based abstract paintings, most of which stop short of total non-objectivity. Throughout his career, Dove drew inspiration from the stuff of the observable, material world. And then he distorted, even disfigured this stuff, pushing the majority of his pictures to the cusp of non-objectivity, distorting and inventing without altogether abandoning reference to the real.
Major funding for The Dove Block Project is provided by
And our many members, sponsors, donors, and grantors