Dove Driving Tour to Accompany Dove Virtual Tour
1. Start at The Dove Block, 465 Exchange Street, Geneva, NY.
2. Turn Right onto Castle Street. Proceed through traffic light to Lake Front Park (Hotel on right). Walk or Drive through hotel parking lot to see long pier to the right of the hotel.
3. Exit Lake Front Park and turn right onto Rte. 5 & 20 (Lake Front Drive) to entrance to Seneca Lake State Park. Turn right into park and drive straight to the walking path (old Rte. 5&20). Note willow trees and view of Seneca Lake.
4. Exit State Park and turn left onto Rte. 5&20. Turn right onto Lake St and note the spire of St. Peter’s Church.
5. Turn right onto Exchange Street (Exchange Street becomes Rte. 14) and head north to the entrance of Geneva’s Industrial Park. Stop here and notice white house on corner across from H&H UHaul.
6. Turn around on Rte.14 and head south. Watch for Gates Ave on right, turn right. Turn left on Genesee Street. Note the bridge abutments from the former Lehigh Valley Railroad and watch on the right for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station (just before Uncle Joe’s Restaurant). Proceed to blinking light at corner of Genesee and Lewis Street. Note Community Faith Church on right (built by William Dove & Son) and St. Peter’s Church across the corner on left.
7. Turn right on Lewis Street and right again on North Main Street. Stop at 80 North Main Street (former Dove home). Note across the street at 87 is where Newton Weatherly lived. Turn around on North Main Street and head south. At the corner of Lewis St. Note Baptist Church on right (another church build by William Dove & Son). Continue on South Main Street and stop in front of 512 South Main (Dove Family Second Home).
8. Continue along South Main Street, after crossing over Rte. 5&20, note the open view of the lake on the left and on the right is Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
9. Continue on South Main Street (Rte. 14) to the entrance to Belhurst Castle on the left. Drive down the lane to view Belhurst and its setting.
10. Leave Belhurst and turn right onto Rte. 14 (Lochland Road) and follow South Main Street. Note the Dove House (512) on your left. On your left watch for Pulteney Park. Across from the park is the Collins Music Hall (large brownstone building). End of Tour.